AHC is integrally involved in the preservation of various sites in the region. Some of our successful projects are listed below.
Last Encampment of Seminoles on Pine Island |
Long Key/Sam Jones Seven Islands
The Archaeological and Historical Conservancy played an important role in the public acquisition of a unique group of remnant Everglades islands in Davie. These islands were known as Sam Jones Seven Islands during the Second Seminole War. The Pine Island Preserve, with the only first growth pines surviving in the County, was acquired by Broward County after AHC convinced the developer to not develop this valuable site. The Town of Davie acquired a second portion of Pine Island after AHC stopped the construction of Nob Hill Road that would have bulldozed a 300 foot wide swath through the ridge. The road was detoured and Broward County's earliest known prehistoric site was saved. Long Key, recently opened to the public, was acquired with Broward County using open space bond money. AHC played a major role in the developing the management plan in regard to its archaeological and historic sites, and designed the museum's exhibits. Once threatened, today these islands survive as archaeological and natural treasures.
Rolling Oaks Golf Course
The Archaeological and Historical Conservancy persuaded the Rolling Oaks Golf Course and Country Club to alter its redevelopment plan to avoid impacting the parcel's two prehistoric cemeteries and three Indian sites. These sites are now green space areas within the course.
Peace Mound Park
When the Archaeological and Historical Conservancy arrived at Peace Mound, the 5000 year old site was being used for storage of construction equipment. With the leadership of Arvida-Weston vice president Roy Rogers, the site became the City of Weston's first archaeological park with state of the art exhibits including a below ground cut away. Subsequently Weston's other principal archaeological sites were preserved as green space locations.
Ortona Canals
The Ortona canals are the oldest and largest prehistoric canals in North America. Two canals connect the Calooshatchee River to a large mound and earthwork complex. These canals were recently dated to A.D. 200 by AHC archaeologists using organic sediments at the bottom of one of the hand dug canals. When the eastern canal was threatened by a proposed rock quarry expansion, Archaeological and Historical Conservancy was able to set aside and preserve a major segment of the canal.
Snake Warriors Island
When the Perry family sold this multi-acre tract for development, the AHC alerted public officials. A successful preservation effort ensued to preserve the oldest known Seminole site in southeast Florida. The parcel is now a Broward County park encompassing archaeological sites, oak hammocks, and restored wetlands.
Honey Hill
The construction of Dolphin Stadium led to a standoff between preservationists and the stadium developer when a major archaeological site, 8DA411, was threatened. Miami-Dade County with assistance by AHC stopped the site's destruction. (The site encompasses a late Archaic component, a Tequesta village, and Seminole camp.) With its dedication in December 2008 as Chittohatohee Park, the final major site of the Snake Creek Seminole settlements was preserved.
Otter Mound
Otter Mound, located in Collier County, is the last surviving prehistoric shellworks in Marco Island. The AHC applied for several grants to acquire the site. Eventually the site was acquired as an archaeological and natural preserve by Collier County.
Ortona Mounds
The AHC played a major role in creating Ortona Indian Mound Park. In partnership with Glades County property appraiser, Larry Lucky, the 30 acre parcel was acquired and developed as the County's first park. Visitors can now see outdoor exhibits and walk the scrub oak trail.